About Us

It's all about the Podcasts!!

Redefining the Podcast Network!  We all know at this point the definition of Networking!  Traditionally it has been a part of business vernacular as a leadership capability for building relationships and partnerships to better your position.  In a Podcast business sense it has come to mean a parent network that provides hosting, business acumen, and shares listeners for revenue purposes.  We have decided to partner a group. A sort of co-op, if you will.  We share promotions, live events, and work together as a team!

It starts with an Idea

What do people want to hear?  You'd be surprised!  But it all starts with an idea.  Succinct information about a variety of topics will find listeners.  Especially if you know where to look!

Marketing Your Podcast

Social media, mailers (e-mail), targeted ads...   What's the best solution?  The correct answer is all of the above, with the addition of promo-swaps, and a network of friends.